Commande chez Walthers // Ordering at Walthers (08-2024)

Placez votre commande maintenant et recevez votre marchandise 2 ou 3 semaines après la date butoirs (dépendamment d’où vous demeurez!) ☺ C’est un bon moment pour commander votre item spécial que vous désirez!
Votre commande doit être envoyée avant le  28 juillet 2024 – 11 h 00.
Place your order now and get your desired poducts in 2 or 3 weeks after the deadline (depending where you live!) ☺ It’s a good time to request that “special order” you’ve always wanted!

Order must be placed before 11 AM on July 28th 2024.

Et bien plus…   And many more…
Je peux en avoir d’autre si certain en désire une encore (commande spécial sans frais)
I can have more if some of you miss the first batch…  (Special order at no charge)

Walthers : July/August 2024 Flyer is now online!

Here is the latest flyer from Walthers : Online PDF Flyer (US$ Pricing)
Vous avez vu quelque chose que je n’ai pas encore affiché sur mon site !  SVP écrivez-moi (sans frais – ni obligation):
You saw something that you want and it’s not listed on my site yet! Please, e-mail me (No fees – no obligation):

Iconics Replicas : New buses to pre-order

Avez-vous remarqué les toutes dernière annonces de Iconic Replicas ?  Cliquez ce lien pour voir les nouveautés que vous pouvez commander chez moi : Pré-commande
Have you seen the latest buses announcement from Iconic Replicas ?  Click the link to pre-order theses buses : Pre-order

Vous en voulez more ? Écrivez-moi / Want more ?  Email-me :

Brekina Model : July 2024 Flyer

Click here to see the latest announcement from Brekina (Euro Pricing).
And to see what I already have in stock or in pre-order: Click here
You saw something that you want and it’s not listed on my site! Please, e-mail me :

Je sais que Brekina ne paie pas toujours pour la licence Ford en Amérique, il se peut que ces produite ne soi pas disponible légalement. I know Brekina doesn’t always pay for Ford liciencing in America, so some product may not be legally available.

Brekina Model : June 2024 Flyer

Click here to see the latest announcement from Brekina (Euro Pricing).
And to see what I already have in stock or in pre-order: Click here
You saw something that you want and it’s not listed on my site! Please, e-mail me :

HO – 1960s-1970s Dodge S 600 Bus – Assembled — School Bus

HO – 1981 GMC Sierra Grande Pickup Truck — Colt Edition

Rapido News 185 – Rapido Mobilizes with Big GEs, Military Flats and Much, Much More!

Click this link to read the latest newsleter from Rapido.
You saw something that you want, you MUST e-mail me (I won’t pre-order them all, but I can special order the ones you wants):

HO Scale New Look Suburban “Fishbowl” Bus

Bus-a-palooza! I don’t know why we said that either, but I do know the HO Scale New Look “Suburban” Buses are nearing their order deadline on June 17th. Buckle up for a quick look at these. Did we mention Jason loves buses? We had to go deep into the archives to find that photo above, but we figured despite it having not a lot to do with this run of buses we just had to share again.

Rapido New Look Bus

Check out those lights! And that’s a model of our own (…)

Iconic Replicas new annoucement / Newest catalog Q1-2024

The latest version of Iconic Replicas catalog (US pricing) is now available, click Here. Some products announced in this catalog are already sold out…  Skip the desapointement and reserve yours now! 

Already listed on my website : Click here for the latest pre-orders in HO scale.

You saw something that you want in the catalog and it’s not on my website for pre-orders, e-mail me (Click here) — Special orders always welcome (at no extra cost) !
Vous avez vu quelque chose dans le catalogue et que je n’ai pas sur sur mon site ? N’hésitez surtout pas à m’écrire ! Il n’y a aucun frais supplémentaire pour les commandes spéciale.