
The D&H to New England & Canada, Volume 1 — Softcover

Original price was: GBP £ 35.10.Current price is: GBP £ 31.36.

Coverage includes: Boston & Maine Branch Lines, (…), Claremont Railway/Claremont & Concord, Clarendon & Pittsford, Conway Scenic, Montpelier & Barre, Mount Washington Cog Railway, New Hampshire Northcoast, Rutland, Springfield Terminal, Steamtown/Green Mountain Railroad (…)

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The Garbely Publishing Company #54500
ISBN: 978-1-7349588-2-9
UPC : 9781734958829

The D&H to New England & Canada, Volume 1
A scale,

by Richard Herbert and George Povall

Publisher: The Garbely Publishing Company
Released: December 3, 2020
ISBN: 978-1-7349588-2-9
Pages: 80
Format: 8.5″x11″ softcover

This is the first book in a series of titles covering the Delaware & Hudson’s most photogenic years. Covering 1968 through 1990, Volume 1 features the photography of the late Richard “Herbie” Herbert and his good friend George Povall across the entire D&H system. From its independent operation through post-Conrail operations and Guilford ownership, the book showcases over 120 of the finest full-color D&H images ever put in print. If you like lightning stripes, PAs, Sharks, or bicentennials, this book is for you!

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Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 28 × 22 × 1 cm